GTFS Lite is a lightweight, Pandas-driven approach to loading, analyzing, and manipulating transit schedule data formatted following the General Transit Feed Specification.

The design of GTFS Lite is focused primarily on being able to load and quickly manipulate or study GTFS feeds. It is not intended as a high-performance GTFS editor. This package was initially developed out of a need to support academic and data science projects, and for basic data wrangling needs for larger analyses.

Quick Start

You can load a zipped GTFS feed into memory using the load_zip() function:

from gtfslite import GTFS
gtfs = GTFS.load_zip('path/to/')

From there, a number of analytical methods are available. For example, you can compute get an at-a-glance summary of the dataset with:


Which provdes a pandas.Series` object containing various pieces of information about the dataset including total stops, trips, routes, and date coverage.

You can also manipuate GTFS files directly using the associated dataframes. For example:

gtfs.calendar["start_date"] = "20200220"

would set the calendar start date on all services to February 20, 2020. If you would like to write a modified GTFS object to a zipfile for future use, you can do so with:



This project is still under development, and new features and releases are being added regularly. Be sure to install the latest version and update frequently.

Indices and tables